Wat Is Financiële Onafhankelijkheid?

Geld en Financiën


By Wim Belt

In the previous article, we looked at the model that most of us have been taught in school: make sure you get a good education and a good job. Where you have to question what exactly that means, "a good job." In any case, one thing is certain: "a good job" is not a stepping stone to prosperity. I myself have completed two university studies and held so-called good jobs, but at the end of the month, I was still out of money.

Adding to that, I had to work very hard. Weeks of 80 to 90 hours were not exceptional. You know them: those employees who don't want a 9-to-5 mentality. I always wonder what they mean by that. Probably, "I pay you for 40 hours and expect you to work 80" ... hmmmmm.

There are three other ways to earn money that are generally not applied by many people. On the one hand, because they find it risky, on the other hand, because they have no knowledge of it (after all, it's not taught in school).

The first of these three forms is investments. Investments in stocks, options, forex, land, real estate, gold, silver; you name it. Reflecting on what was said in the previous article, investing means that you are willing to take a risk that others cannot or will not take. It involves risk; the greater the return, the greater the risk. This is what keeps most people from investing.

Additionally, there are quite a few people who do invest but with a so-called lottery mentality, and as a result, they lose a lot of money. Look, it's not about the risk initially but about risk management. Follow a strategy where you know what you're doing, but also where you control your risks.

If you learn this, you will see that investments are not risky at all. However, you have to keep it simple and not be distracted by ego in the field. Also, you need to keep your emotions under control. Of course, you will lose at times, but make sure you win more than you lose, and keep your losses limited.

The second form of the three is organizing. A company organizes things that someone doesn't want or can't organize. We could all learn to make our own clothes - but because we don't like it, we don't. This has led to a clothing industry that does it for us. So, if you see opportunities to organize things, you can make money. The advantage is that, because other people have to do the work (exchanging hours for money), you create a leverage effect. Look, and that leads to financial independence. Put in one hour somewhere and get paid for the rest of your life. Most people think this is not for them. Excuses like "you have to be very smart or business-minded," "I haven't studied for it" prevent them from starting. My opinion and belief are that everyone can do it. Everyone is capable of organizing something. However, it's your own limited thinking that holds you back.

In our seminars and training sessions, we provide examples of how to do this. It's my experience that people are amazed at how simple it can be.

The third form is intellectual property. This includes writing books, licenses, and franchises. This is the most interesting form because it generates passive income. For those who don't know the term passive income, think of things like interest on money, rent from real estate, royalties, residual income (affiliate and network marketing).

Passive income usually builds up slowly but can suddenly grow exponentially. The beauty of passive income is that once it's set up, the source keeps growing with or without you (whether you're awake or asleep). In general, I'm talking about building assets, money machines that you build alongside your active work until you reach the point where your passive income is as large as your expenses. Then you are financially independent.

If you want to move on to absolute financial independence, the income stream should be in the millions. Someone who can become financially independent is also capable of becoming absolutely financially independent. It involves repeating moves.

The condition is that you get rid of the thinking pattern developed after the industrial revolution and adopt a pattern that says "first work on your assets, then on your lifestyle."

You see: financial intelligence is more about unlearning things and learning a few things. It has nothing to do with "get rich quick" or "play pyramid," but with a solid build-up of your assets where your own mind is the most important asset.

If you want to know more about financial independence, watch Wim's TED talk. 


financieel onafhankelijk, financiën, geld, geluk, inkomen, overtuigingen, vrijheid

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Over de auteur

Robert van der Wolk werkt al meer dan 20 jaar als psychotherapeut, internationaal spreker, trainer en life-coach. Zijn werk heeft duizenden over de hele wereld geïnspireerd om het beste in zich naar boven te halen. Wil jij ook meer in je persoonlijke of professionele leven - boek dan nu een gratis strategiegesprek en start met de creatie van jouw onbegrensde leven.

Robert van der Wolk werkt al meer dan 20 jaar als psychotherapeut, internationaal spreker, trainer en life-coach. Zijn werk heeft duizenden over de hele wereld geïnspireerd om het beste in zich naar boven te halen. Wil jij ook meer in je persoonlijke of professionele leven - boek dan nu een gratis strategiegesprek en start met de creatie van jouw onbegrensde leven.

Robert van der Wolk werkt al meer dan 20 jaar als psychotherapeut, internationaal spreker, trainer en life-coach. Zijn werk heeft duizenden over de hele wereld geïnspireerd om het beste in zich naar boven te halen. Wil jij ook meer in je persoonlijke of professionele leven - boek dan nu een gratis strategiegesprek en start met de creatie van jouw onbegrensde leven.

  • Inderdaad leuk artikel! Kleine kanttekening: als je spaarzaam leeft wordt je sneller financieel onafhankelijk omdat je meer over houdt en omdat je minder nodig hebt zodra je financieel onafhankelijk bent. En met maanduitgaven van bijvoorbeeld 1500 euro heb je geen miljoen(en) nodig maar “slechts” 7 ton.

  • Bedankt voor de toevoeging Henry. Absoluut waar: financieel onafhankelijk worden is een lifestyle, en dat begint praktisch door minder geld uit te geven dan je verdient, tezamen met geld opzij leggen voor investeringen (zaken die je op termijn meer geld opleveren dan ze kosten).

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